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How To Setup mBlog Blogger Template

mBlog Blogger Template

mBlog is a clean, responsive blogger theme suitable for blogs, magazines, publishing or review sites. It uses the best clean SEO practices, and on top of that, it’s fast, simple, and easy to modify. mBlog is equipped with various of widgets which will help you to publish your blog more professionally. To make it easy for you we have published this detailed documentation, so that you can setup your blog correctly. You have made a good decision by choosing our template.
You can check the live demo or download the template through the button below and also Please Read this documentation carefully in order to set up your blog and please note that there’s no support for free users.

Video Documentation

You can check this below video to understand the setup process much more easily, just click the below image to watch the video directly on YouTube, or click this link - How To Setup Jasmine Blogger Template - Way2Themes

Social Top / Social Footer

Access your blog Layout > click Edit link on Social Top / Social Footer widget.

Icons Avaliables { facebook, twitter, gplus, rss, youtube, skype, stumbleupon, tumblr, vine, stack-overflow, linkedin, dribbble, soundcloud, behance, digg, instagram, pinterest, delicious. }

Image Example: 

Main Menu/ DropDown/ Multi DropDown

Access your blog Layout > click Edit link on Main Menu widget.
Normal Link : Features
Sub Link: _Sub Link 1.0 (before the link add "_") 1 underscore
Sub Link 2: __Sub Link 1.1 (before the link add "__") 2 underscore

NOTE: To view the system Disqus comments, you need to follow the steps below.

Disqus Shortname

Access your blog Layout > click Edit link on Disqus Shortname widget.

  • What you have to do is just add the shortname

Author Widget

Access your blog Layout > click Edit link on Author box widget. and paste the below code.
<div class="aboug-photo">
<img alt="author" src="IMAGE PROFILE URL HERE" />
<div class="aboug-title">
<div class="aboug-desc">
<div class="aboug_social">
<a href="#LINK-HERE" id="aboug-a-link" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-facebook-square"></i> Facebook</a>
<a href="#LINK-HERE" id="aboug-a-link" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-twitter-square"></i> Twitter</a>
<a href="#LINK-HERE" id="aboug-a-link" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-google-plus-square"></i> Google+</a>
<a href="#LINK-HERE" id="aboug-a-link" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-instagram"></i> Instagram</a>

  2. YOUR NAME HERE - Your Name
  4. #LINK-HERE - this is for social links

Footer Menu Widget

Access your blog Layout > click Edit link on Footer Menu widget. and paste the below code.
<a href="/">Home</a>
<a href="#">Archives</a>
<a href="#">Privacy</a>
<a href="#">About</a>
<a href="#">Contact us</a>
Replace # with your url.

Pagination Result

Access your blog Layout > click Edit link on Footer Menu widget. and paste the below code.
<script type='text/javascript'>
var pageCount=7;
var displayPageNum=3;
var upPageWord ='Prev';
var downPageWord ='Next';
Replace the valeu of var pageCount=7; with your any number you want.

Facebook Page Plugin:

<center><div class="fb-padding"><div id="fb-root"></div>
<script>(function(d, s, id) {
  var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
  if (d.getElementById(id)) return;
  js = d.createElement(s); = id;
  js.src = "//";
  fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));</script>
<div class="fb-page" data-href="" data-width="280" data-height="230" data-hide-cover="false" data-show-facepile="true" data-show-posts="false"><div class="fb-xfbml-parse-ignore"></div></div></div></center>
or you can follow this tutorial if above method won't work

Theme Customization

Access your blog Template > click Customize.

Here you can change the background, and apply pre-defined colors

For more options Click Advanced.

NOTE: To make any changes you must click Apply to Blog in the upper Right.

NOTE 02: To return to default style click "Clear advanced changes to theme color", and click Apply to Blog.

Installation And Custom Services

We provide plenty of templates for free but if you want something unique for your blog then let us create a unique design for your blog, Just tell us your needs and we will convert your dream design into reality. We also Provide Blogger Template Installation Service. Our Installation service gives you a simple, quick and secure way of getting your template setup without hassle.

How To Setup mBlog Blogger Template How To Setup mBlog Blogger Template Reviewed by TemplatesYard on July 16, 2017 Rating: 5


  1. Blogger click
    Business click
    Fashion click
    How can you always have left menu?

    1. Its label based menu, just add labels to your post.


Note : -We have stopped giving support to free version users, please read this article Making Blogger Professional, Important Updates !!. If You Are Facing Any Problem While Setting Up The Free Theme, Then We Recommend You To Read Our FAQ(Frequently Asked Question) Page.