How To Add jQuery In Blogger And Blogspot Blogs
Today we will learn how to add jQuery plugin in blogger and blogspot blogs. jQuery is the most important library plugin to make your blog perfectly and bug free. It is responsible to make effects, animation and cool functions for your blog, Most of the plugins including official ones uses jQuery library to enhance their work ability and smoothness, with jQuery you can achieve much more better and smooth working process. A jQuery file is only about 100KB and available to be cached, so don’t worry about the speed of your page after embedded it. To embed jQuery, please access your blog Template and click Edit HTML
Why jQuery Library is important ?
You must be thinking why do you need to add 100Kb extra file in your blog, but believe us, this is a very important and compulsory stuff to have in your blog. Lots of common plugin works with the help of jQuery library, like, Auto read more, Recent post widget, Label Base recent post widget, Random Post widget, News ticker, back to top and many other, it also helps to create mesmerising, fabulous and smooth effects which can't be archived with CSS.
( Adding HTML Script )
Now this is the most essential part of the tutorial and you have to do it very carefully. In the template, search for the </head> tag and just above it paste the following HTML Coding.
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
Now Save your template and go to pages to add sitemap.
Note :- its necessary to have only one jQuery library plugin, having more than one will create conflicts.
Congrats !! You have made it. now you have learned that how to add jQuery plugin in blogger and blogspot blogs. Visit your blog and check the awesome widget live in action, hope you liked this tutorial, if you enjoyed then please share it with your friends, we are working hard to develop more such awesome widgets please stay tuned with Us. Goodbye !! (Goodbye in English!! hahaha).
How To Add jQuery In Blogger And Blogspot Blogs
Reviewed by TemplatesYard
July 30, 2017

Is this for adding site map only? because I'm trying to fix my site map..
ReplyDeleteThe site map on techpill
No it is not neccessary, can you share your blog url.
DeleteAwesome post
ReplyDeleteCuando dice justo encima, es arriba del head o borrandolo?
ReplyDeleteDon't delete it, paste it above the code.
Deletehow do i know if jquery has been embedded in my blog template to avoid conflict
ReplyDeleteSearch for this.
not working